3 piece suite?


3 piece suite

Not your idea of a 3 piece suite? Certainly not mine. Nothing against any of the pieces of furniture per se, they may all be super comfortable, just the right height for whatever you want to be doing in them, and suited to the intended user’s features and preferences, but…

Now take the same example with Corporate Performance Management (CPM), or to give it its old title, planning, reporting and analysis. You could call these applications a suite of products. Wonderful idea, just not very well executed by so many vendors. Why is it that most software houses have odds and sods of software, united under a single logo but in the background held together by sticky tape and string? Well the reason is that they have bought in different solutions and tried, not very hard it must be said, to join them together. With all of the consolidation of solutions over the last decade, BI vendors bought planning vendors, and were then swallowed up by ERP vendors to create big bulbous, monolithic solution providers now peddle 3 piece suites that look as eclectic as the example above and work in a similar fashion.

If you want to see planning, reporting and analysis working together in harmony, a real integrated solution, built as a single solution without desperate bolt-ons, then talk to Innovar and we will help you evaluate the best integrated solutions and steer you away from the hotchpotch of disastrous software solutions that are waiting to ensnare you. BEWARE the 3 piece suite!

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